Known also as ankyloglossia, this condition limits movement of the tongue. Tissue connects the bottom of the mouth to the tongue. Ideally, the tongue isn’t restricted. Tongue-tie occurs when this connective tissue is uncomfortably tight.
Noticeable at birth, tongue-ties vary greatly in how they can impact everyday life. Some babies don’t notice this limitation. Others may not even be able to get proper nutrients. This difficulty makes breastfeeding challenging too.
Trouble doesn’t always appear in the first months of life. Children may have issues eating as they transition to solid food. Speech can also suffer. Tongue-ties can prevent the tongue from forming certain sounds. Doing the right thing without your body cooperating can be frustrating for little ones.
Think tongue-tie could be bothering your baby? Contact us today for a detailed consultation. Dr. Mansoor specializes in pain-free treatments that work. A laser is used for this simple procedure at Smiles by Hanna. Baby feels better. Parents feel relieved. And all is well.
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Take control of your life and give yourself the smile you deserve! With our $99 New Patient Special, the time to book your appointment for a frenulum surgery is now!
Do Tongue-ties go Away?
Left alone, the odds of this condition disappearing are low. Minor improvements may occur with time. Some kids simply learn to adjust.
Children may accidentally rip the frenulum (the tissue connecting the tongue and mouth’s floor) while playing. But this new problem is no solution. The area may bleed like crazy. The tissue may have ripped at a bad angle and need stiches. It’s best to take a proactive approach.
Does a Tongue-tie Need to be Corrected?
Well, that all depends. How important is eating? How about swallowing? Speaking properly? Anyone with this plight needs a frenectomy in order to live a normal life.
How Serious is Tongue-tie?
Every case is unique. Least affected people may barely even notice their tongues are missing out. On the other side of the spectrum, there are folks who feel as if their tongues have been hog-tied. Babies may not be able to gain the weight needed to thrive.
Additional issues can include colic, gas and sleeplessness. Speech trouble, problems swallowing and sleep disorders are also a threat. The severity may all be relative. Talking, eating, swallowing and sleeping, play a big part in living your best life.
How do You Fix a Tongue-tie?
The type of correction corresponds to thickness of the frenulum. The simplest procedure is called a frenotomy, frenuloplasty or frenulectomy. This process involves just cutting an incision into the tissue. Anesthesia is often unnecessary for babies.
A frenectomy can be a bit more involved. The entire frenulum may be removed. Anesthesia can be used. The wound may need to be stitched up with dissolvable sutures.
Smiles by Hanna puts a positive spin on these services. Dr. Mansoor uses a laser instead of scary surgical tools. Patients can expect less time in the chair, faster recovery and a better overall experience.
Is Tongue-tie a Birth Defect?
Technically, this condition can be considered a minor birth defect. The frenulum should detach slightly from the tongue before birth. This action permits ease of movement. Tongue-tie occurs when the tissue is super thick or stays fully connected.
What Age is Best for Tongue-tie Surgery?
While no case is exactly the same, waiting doesn’t seem to be in anyone’s best interest. Newborns usually don’t need anesthesia, so that’s one less risk. The sooner the procedure takes place, the sooner your baby can begin eating and swallowing better.
Still have questions? No problem! Come in for a professional consultation. Dr. Mansoor can carefully examine your little one. She can give you her expert opinion on the best timeframe.
Can a Tongue-tie Child Talk?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean people can understand what is said. This ordeal can be especially frustrating for little ones trying to speak. Forming sounds is much harder without a cooperative tongue.
What is Class 3 Tongue-tie?
This condition is classified into types based where a tie and tongue meet. A class 3 tongue-tie is found about halfway underneath the tongue. Attachment occurs right around the middle of the mouth’s floor. This kind of frenulum isn’t usually able to stretch much.
Can Pacifiers Cause Tongue-tie?
The true cause of tongue-tie has yet to be discovered. Parents may consider using pacifiers when seeking to sooth their babies. This condition can prevent infants from being able to suck on this device. Tongue-tied babies may not be able to take pacifiers and wind up dropping them.
How Long Does Tongue-tie Surgery Take?
This affordable procedure only takes a few minutes. Afterwards your baby can begin eating freely.
Why Are Tongue-ties so Common?
As this condition gets a fair amount of press, it may seem like practically every baby has a tongue-tie these days. In reality, the figure is closer to 10 percent.
A couple of factors may increase an infant’s odds of being born this way. Genetics is one theory. Another is linked to sex assigned at birth. Males are more prone to having tongue-tie than females.
Does Tongue-tie Surgery Improve Speech?
While each mouth is unique, this procedure can certainly help. The degree to which the tie is causing trouble needs assessing. A professional like Dr. Mansoor can advise parents after completing an exam.
Some tongue-ties are quite minor and have little impact on everyday life. Others can prevent the most basic functions like speaking clearly and eating.
The sooner you get an expert opinion, the sooner you can make an informed decision for your little one.
Does Clipping a Baby’s Tongue Hurt?
Yes and no. The old-school method involves sterile scissors cutting into the frenulum. This procedure works best on infants three months of age or younger. Things are done more tenderly at Smiles by Hanna.
We use Waterlase technology. We value your comfort after and during the procedure. It doesn’t matter how old our patients are, our laser takes care of tongue-tie without pain!