Restore Your Smile With Natural Veneers

Veneers revitalize your smile

It is not uncommon to see some folks with stains, tooth gaps, or chips on their dentition. But what can you do about it if you have such a case? Veneers provide a good solution to such issues.
Veneers are made of ceramic materials. They are bonded to your teeth leaving you with a good and captivating smile. Your confidence is also renewed with its use. Veneers are created to look like your natural teeth. The translucent nature of the enamel is mimicked when producing the veneer. It also fits comfortably with your dentition.

Veneers are very effective when it comes to changing the appearance of your smile. A lot of people may think of veneers as a single treatment but the truth is that they are of many kinds. The next section will examine the common kinds of veneers together with its merits and demerits.

Types of dental veneers

Composite veneers

Composite veneers are one of the most common options when talking of veneers. They are not used in major dental procedures. They are used for just simple procedures such as fixing a cracked tooth or filling of small tooth gaps. Composite veneers are very cheap, much cheaper than its counterpart – the porcelain veneer. Treatment time is usually very short with the composite veneer.

veneers before and after

On the other hand, composite veneers do have some demerits. You may not be pleased with the finishing. And also, they have very little resistance to stains and discoloration when compared to the porcelain veneer. To keep them looking great, you may have to do constant polishing of the teeth. However, following good dental hygiene will aid in making this type of veneer last longer.

Porcelain veneers

They are more expensive than other kinds of veneers out there. On the other hand, they have that effect on your smile that makes the investment worth it. Porcelain veneer treatment requires you to visit the dentist multiple times to get it completed. The first phase of the treatment takes place at the dentist office while the completion is done at the dental laboratory. Porcelain veneers are customized to suit your tooth color and shape. Unlike composite veneers, they offer greater resistance to stains and discoloration, cracks and chips. Also, they are more long-lasting than other kinds of veneers.

natural dental veneers

The one demerit of porcelain veneers is the cost. However, the returns are worth the investment so it shouldn’t be much of a problem if you are looking for the best. Another demerit of porcelain veneers is that they take time to treat. Much preparatory work is required. Your main teeth must be drilled and reshaped. Also, if damaged, repair may cost you a lot of money and time.

Instant veneers

Instant veneers lie midway between composite and porcelain veneers. The instant veneers are not customized like the porcelain. Instead, you are given a premade one. They are of multiple shapes, sizes and styles, and your dentist will pick the one that fits best with your teeth. Unlike the porcelain veneer that requires multiple visits to the dentist, the instant veneer can be completed in a single visit. They are also less expensive than the porcelain as no lab fees are charged.

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The demerit of instant veneers is that they are not custom made. So you’ll have to choose among the pre-made ones which suits you best. However, you’ll have similar aesthetic results to the porcelain veneer. Conversely, it has lesser resistance to stain and discoloration when compared to the porcelain veneer.

Removable veneers

Removable veneers are the last option. They are also known as snap-on veneers. Removable veneers are the latest when it comes to veneers. They are made from dental resin, very hard, but forms a thin, strong cover over your teeth, giving your smile a perfect appearance. You can eat with them on, then you remove and clean them after eating.
Before wearing a removable veneer, your dentist will have to examine the imprint of your existing teeth. You can then select the shade you’d like on your veneer. Removable veneers are a great alternative to those who cannot afford standard cosmetic treatment. People who cannot wear implants for whatever reason can also make do with removable veneers.

removal dental veneers

Removable veneers may be inexpensive and good looking, but they are certainly not a long-term solution for existing dental defects. If your tooth cracks or gets chipped, it is best you go for proper dental care treatment. The same is applicable to discolored teeth.

Why go for veneers? Can’t I just whiten my teeth?

Yes you can! Some cases may not require using a dental veneer. A professional can brighten your teeth and you get your smile improved and your appearance revived. However, for more serious cases teeth bleaching will not do. In such cases, you can opt for a porcelain veneer and you’re good to go.


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