When a skilled implant dentist places high-quality dental implants, most dental implant procedures are completed successfully without issue. Of course, there are always exceptions, and when this happens to you, it can be upsetting since you’ve invested time and substantial money in restoring your smile.
Signs of possible failure include severe pain/discomfort, gum recession around dental implants, difficulty chewing, persistent swollen and bleeding gums, unexplained bad breath, or shifting or loose dental implants in Gilbert, AZ. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must schedule a visit at Smiles by Hanna as soon as possible. The earlier our experienced implant dentist, Dr. Hanna Mansoor, treats ailing dental implants, the greater the chance they can be saved.
Although dental implants have a success rate of 95–99%, several factors can increase the risk of implant failure. An aggressive inflammatory disease called peri-implantitis and inadequate osteointegration (fusion) of the dental implants with the underlying bone are two primary causes of implant failure.
Peri-implantitis is characterized by inflammation in the gum tissue with progressive loss of supporting bone surrounding dental implants. Poor oral hygiene results in the accumulation of bacterial plaque, which can lead to gingivitis, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis, thereby increasing the risk of natural tooth loss and dental implant failure. Other reasons why dental implants fail include:
An in-depth exam usually reveals signs of possible dental implant failure in Gilbert, AZ. Dr. Mansoor will check the implant(s) for mobility, exposure of the implant threads, and pus discharge and measure the depth of the periodontal pocket(s).
She’ll also discuss with you general and personal risk factors that can cause dental implants to fail.
If Dr. Mansoor notices mobility, a dental X-ray is taken to assess the degree of bone loss around the metal portion of the dental implant. Sometimes, a cone beam computed tomography scan is done because it provides more information than a digital X-ray alone.
The CBCT scan clearly shows the condition of the hard and soft tissue and helps determine the extent of damage. Determining whether failure stems from infection, inadequate bone, or excessive pressure (overloading) is essential for determining appropriate corrective measures.
Peri-implantitis treatment in Gilbert, AZ, is similar to treating gum disease. Dr. Mansoor uses a laser to remove infected tissue and vaporize bacteria inside the pocket around the impacted implant. This method precisely targets diseased areas while leaving healthy tissue intact. The minimally invasive laser is a gentler method than surgery for saving ailing dental implants. It effectively halts disease progression while regenerating new bone growth.
In some cases, removing the implant and repairing the area with a bone graft may be necessary. Then, it’s customary to wait three to four months for the area to heal and new bone growth to occur. After that, a new dental implant is placed in an optimal position and monitored closely to ensure failure doesn’t impact it. Since this results in additional costs and time in the dental chair, it’s only done when absolutely necessary.
At Smiles by Hanna, we use platelet-rich plasma to accelerate healing and reduce the recovery period after dental implant surgery. This slows bleeding and stimulates the growth of new bone tissue around dental implants, making it especially beneficial for patients at higher risk of implant failure.